Frequently Asked Questions
1) How long are leases? Leases are 12 months. Shorter lease may be considered at a higher rate.
2) Can I break my lease? Yes if you break your lease there is a penalty equal to 2 month's rent. More info regarding this will be in your lease agreement. If you are on a Month to Month there is no penalty provided you give 30 days' notice.
3) I'm a current tenant, can I transfer up to a larger more expense or different property? Yes provided you have not been late or had any returned ACH rent drafts within the last 12 months, and your income & credit meets the qualifications for the new property.
4) What Utilities does Tenant pay? Tenants pay all utilities, this includes Electric, Water & Trash Service. Also some of the houses have Natural Gas Service. Duplexes are all electric.
5) What else is Tenant responsible for? Tenants are responsible for changing air filters, smoke alarm batteries & replacing light bulbs. Also some properties require tenant to maintain the yard mowing and weeding, and some properties that are grouped together are done by our mowing service company.
6) Do you take Section 8 Housing Assistance Vouchers? No we do not.
7) Do you do Credit Checks? Yes we do a Hard Credit Report from TransUnion. View our requirements.
8) Does a Felony disqualify me? We do not rent to anyone who has a Felony Conviction within the last 7 years. Convictions older than 7 years will be considered on a case by case basis. We never rent to anyone with a Sex Offender conviction or violent crime conviction.
9) Does a previous Eviction or an outstanding balance with a previous landlord disqualify me? Yes
10) Can I pay rent by cash or check? No we do not accept cash or checks for rent, all monthly rent must be ACH bank drafted or paid online at our website. We draft on the 5th day of each month. Deposits & 1st months rent only can be paid at our website or by cash. Online payments are charged an additional 3.5% fee. No extra fees for ACH Bank Drafts.
11) Do you inspect the properties? Yes from time to time we do inspections. We will always give you advance notice, usually a week or more before we inspect. We don't ever enter your property without advance notification unless it's an emergency.
12) Is Renter's Insurance required? Yes, and it is very inexpensive usually only $10 to $25 per month depending on coverage amount. Our insurance will not cover your personal property in the event of a fire, theft, flood or storm. *NOTE: Tenants with dogs are required to have renter's insurance. * Note beginning January 2024 all tenants must have renter's insurance proof.
13) Are Satellite Dishes allowed? We no longer allow any type of satellite dish to be installed. The only exception would be if there was no other TV or Internet provider available.
14) Do you allow Fire-pits or Grills? Fire-pits, open flames & bonfires are prohibited. We do allow 1 standard size charcoal or propane gas grill with lid. Grill must be kept 6 feet from property walls when in use.
15) Do you allow smoking? Effective January 1, 2024 we do not allow smoking (cigarettes, medical marijuana, or vaping) inside of any of our properties, this includes shared porches & garages.
16) How many occupants are allowed in your properites: Typically 2 adults & 2-3 children. We do not allow more than 2 adult roommates unless you are caring for an adult child or parent. Occupancy limits are usually posted on the property webpage or contact us for more info.